

BITLiquidity as a trading aggregator, earning platform, bridge, and lending and borrowing solution, BITLiquidity maximizes trading efficiency by combining diverse pools.

BITLiquidity is a cutting-edge aggregator designed specifically for Bitcoin ecosystem, BRC-20 tokens and Ordinals, utilizing security of the Bitcoin L1 blockchain. BRC-20 Marketplaces don’t provide the ability to scout across various listings & find the most favorable pricing and batch sizes. To solve this issue, $BITL leverages AI & on-chain data of trusted OTC Marketplaces to be able to locate & access the most competitive pricing and suggest available DeFi arbitrage. Bitcoin Ecosystem is experiencing service fragmentation & this interferes with user satisfaction. BITLiquidity’s mission is to address this issue by providing an all-in-one interface with seamless swaps. After the 1st phase of Development is completed and the main Aggregator public launch underway, BITLiquidity will launch Phase 2, & address other issues and expand the reach by offering an all-in-one interface that includes swaps, liquidity pools, bridge capabilities, and advanced borrowing/lending services, creating the most comprehensive ecosystem over L2s (runes, stacks, rootstock, etc)